Mama Edd
Mama Edd lives in Kirinyaga county and is the mother of two children aged 7 years and 2 months old. She has high fuel costs and spends about Ksh 1000 every month on charcoal. The cookstove also produces a lot of smoke, which is affecting her health.
Purity from Burn introduces Mama Edd to the jikokoa cookstove which cuts the cost of charcoal by at least a half, Osho advise mama on how to make her kitchen garden more productive so she can supply herself with ingredients to cook in her improved kitchen.
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See her kitchen makeover
Mama Edd lives in Kirinyaga county, Kenya.

Mama prepares the family meals from a smoky kitchen which is not a conducive cooking environment.

Purity from Burn Manufacturing presents a solution to Mama Edd's issues - the Jikokoa charcoal cookstove, which will cut her fuel costs in half.

With the Jikokoa, Mama will save around Ksh 500 shillings each week so in a year that will be Ksh 6000.

The Jikokoa also reduces smoke emissions by 65%.

Osho Chemicals provide solutions for her kitchen garden, to rid her crops of pests and to improve her yields.

The Wheel of Foods is brought to Mama Edd's attention.

Chef Damaris shows Mama some new recipes.

There is no more smoke in Mama's kitchen and the kitchen's environment is far more pleasant.